Saturday, July 12, 2014

Angular JS and signalR Based Chat App

Hello friends! Here I’m writing useful blog for those programmers who are going to start learning Angular JS, and also for those who want make chat application using SignalR.
So here I'm creating a sample chat application using bootstrap, SignalR and Angular JS in .net framework 4.0.
Here I’m going to explain some part of this chat application. Let start from creating SignalR hub class which is play vital role for handling bi-directional connection between server to client and client to server.

Hub class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs;
namespace AngularChatApp.ChatController
    public class Chat : Hub, IChat
        private static List<User> userCollection = new List<User>();
        private static List<MapRoomUser> mapRoomUserCollection = new List<MapRoomUser>();
        private static List<Message> msgCollection = new List<Message>();

        public void EnterRoom(string userName, string roomId)
            var users = userCollection.Where(s => s.UserName == userName);
            if (users.Count() == 0)
                userCollection.Add(new User() { UserName = userName, ConnectionId = new string[] { Context.ConnectionId } });
                users.FirstOrDefault().ConnectionId = new string[] { Context.ConnectionId };
            if (mapRoomUserCollection.Where(s => s.user.UserName == userName && s.roomId == s.roomId).Count() == 0)
                mapRoomUserCollection.Add(new MapRoomUser() { user = new User() { UserName = userName }, roomId = roomId });
            Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, roomId);
            LoadChatHistory(roomId, userName);

        public void SendRoomMessage(string userName, string roomId, string message)
            var msg = new Message() { SendUser = userName, RoomId = roomId, MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Text = message };

        public void LeaveRoom(string userName, string roomId)
            mapRoomUserCollection.Remove(mapRoomUserCollection.Where(s => s.user.UserName == userName && s.roomId == roomId).FirstOrDefault());

        public void LoadChatHistory(string roomId, string userName)
            var messages = msgCollection.Where(s => s.RoomId == roomId);

ng-view Container

After creating chat hub class, lets come on view side of chat application. Here we need a page where we bind ng-view for displaying room list, chat history at client side. For this I added a chat.aspx page and mention ng-view attribute into the div element. We also need to mention app name which is required for route and controller configuration.


 <div ng-app="ChatApp">
        <div ng-view>

After mention ng-app and ng-view. Now, lets create the config js for configuration of angular route and controller. A controller is for handling view of room list and chat  history, and factory has all client side method of signalR.


var app = angular.module("ChatApp", ['ngRoute']);
app.config(function ($routeProvider) {
    .when('/', {
        controller: 'Rooms',
        templateUrl: 'Template/Rooms.htm'
        redirectTo: '/'


app.factory("RoomFactory", function () {
    var obj = {
        RoomId: 0,
        Rooms: [{ UnReadMsgCount: 0, RoomName: "Room1", RoomId: 1 },
                    { UnReadMsgCount: 0, RoomName: "Room2", RoomId: 2 },
                    { UnReadMsgCount: 0, RoomName: "Room3", RoomId: 3 },
                    { UnReadMsgCount: 0, RoomName: "Room4", RoomId: 4 },
                    { UnReadMsgCount: 0, RoomName: "Room5", RoomId: 5 },
                    { UnReadMsgCount: 0, RoomName: "Room6", RoomId: 6}]

    return obj;

app.factory("signalR", function () {
    var $hub = $;
    var signalR = {
        startHub: function () {
        EnterRoom: function (username, roomid) {
            $hub.server.enterRoom(username, roomid);
        SendRoomMessage: function (userName, roomId, message) {
            $hub.server.sendRoomMessage(userName, roomId, message);
        GetRoomMessage: function (callback) {
            $hub.client.getRoomMessage = callback;
        RequestChatHistory: function (roomId, userName) {
            $hub.server.loadChatHistory(roomId, userName);
        GetChatHistory: function (callback) {
            $hub.client.showChatHistory = callback;
    return signalR;


app.controller("Rooms", function ($scope, RoomFactory, signalR) {
    $scope.$parent.UserName = "";
    $scope.rooms = RoomFactory.Rooms;
    $scope.$parent.UserName = prompt("Enter unique name :");
    $scope.chatHistory = [];
    $scope.typemsgdisable = true;
    $scope.openChatPanel = function (RoomId, RoomName) {
        //$scope.templateURL = "/Template/ChatPanel.htm";
        RoomFactory.RoomId = RoomId;
        $scope.RoomId = RoomId;
        $scope.RoomName = RoomName;
        $scope.chatHistory = [];
        signalR.EnterRoom($scope.$parent.UserName, $scope.RoomId);
        $scope.typemsgdisable = false;
        //Check this for each function
        angular.forEach($scope.rooms, function (room, key) {
            if ($scope.RoomId == room.RoomId) {
                room.UnReadMsgCount = 0;
    $scope.sendMsgOnEnter = function ($event) {
        if ($event.keyCode == 13) {
    $scope.sendMessage = function () {
        signalR.SendRoomMessage($scope.$parent.UserName, $scope.RoomId, $scope.typeMessage);
        $scope.typeMessage = "";
    signalR.GetRoomMessage(function (message) {
        if (message.RoomId == $scope.RoomId) {
        else {
            angular.forEach($scope.rooms, function (room,key) {
                if (message.RoomId == room.RoomId) {
                    room.UnReadMsgCount = room.UnReadMsgCount + 1;
    signalR.GetChatHistory(function (messages) {
        $scope.chatHistory = messages;

And Last one is Templates.


<div class="container theme-showcase">
    <div class="jumbotron-custom">
        <div style="text-align: center">
                User Name : {{UserName}}
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-3">
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="room in rooms" ng-click="openChatPanel(room.RoomId,room.RoomName);">
                        <span class="badge">{{room.UnReadMsgCount}}</span> {{room.RoomName}} </li>
            <div class="col-md-8">
                <div class="panel panel-default">
                    <div class="panel-heading">
                        <h3 class="panel-title">
                    <div class="panel-body" style="height: 500px">
                        <!--<table class="table">
                                        Sender User
                                <tr ng-repeat="chat in chatHistory">
                        <div ng-repeat="chat in chatHistory">
                            <div class="userName">
                            <div class="message ">
                                <div class="message-inner">
                    <div class="input-group">
                        <input id="txtMessage" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="typeMessage" ng-keypress="sendMsgOnEnter($event)"
                            ng-disabled="typemsgdisable" />
                        <span class="input-group-btn">
                            <button id="btnsend" class="btn btn-default" type="button" ng-click="sendMessage();"

After Complete all the things your app will look be like as below.

Click Here for get the source code.

NuGet Information:

Angular Nuget Command : PM> Install-Package angularjs -Version 1.2.19
BootStrap Nuget Command : PM> Install-Package bootstrap
SignalR Nuget Command : PM> Install-Package bootstrap

Note:  This is my first blog of my life. I'm not good at English, so please take care of this.